Friday 1 May 2020

The SL Profile

Today i finally gave in and started using the Firestorm viewer. I hadn't used it because i kinda wanted a clean break from the way it was 13 years ago. My reason for the change? To be able to access peoples profiles quickly and efficiently.
I loooooovvvvveee reading peoples profiles and i have to say not much has changed, if anything its gotten worse.
You can tell so much from just reading a profile and some people, especially old SL clothing designers who now make shitty stuff, are just absolute wankers. Now i want to emphasize the word SOME, because everyone gets their panties in a bunch.
Trust me, if you're one of these wankers I am talking about, you will know and I've probably called you one to your face at some point.

Imagine going in real life store and asking the owner a question and they snapped at you, told you to write a letter or send an email, you would just walk out, right?
Whats with the SL Profile Bio messages??

 " DO NOT MESSAGE ME please read my profile before contacting me."

" Don't IM me, please send a NC." or the old classic, " Don't IM ,My IM gets capped"
 No it doesn't get capped, you twat. 100 people didn't contact you in 24 hrs, your clothes are shit, who you trying to kid? And no, i wont take a fucking number and send a NC, I just wont buy from your store.
So creators and designers, especially the oldies, who do you think you are? A fucking Kardashian? Get better at customer service and be thankful people buy your stuff. If ya cant, just fuck off.

Now for the regular profiles. Some are brilliantly witty while others are just shit. I've always struggled to write mine cause if i wrote the truth, i wouldn't have any friends. I'm an acquired taste as a friend. I kinda invade peoples hearts and steal them. Then they are my people and are stuck with me.

My all time favourite is when people write stupid shit like “Stay out of my profile” or “Quit stalking my profile”. Question for you assholes? Does it really piss you off when people read your profile? Well here is a bit of advice from me, a profile stalker. Just leave it blank. No wait, no one cares. Just log off SL, delete your account and fuck off!

Finally i get to the picks. This was added years ago to show people the places you loved in Second life. There used to be another function were you could score people who you liked best. People could score you as a nice person or a dick. They took that off and people started using the picks for their people.

I take my picks section very serious. Ya see not many people have ever added me to their picks. Years ago when i owned the SL gutter press, i had a lot of friends. I knew a lot of them weren't real friends and didn't want anyone to know they talked to me. Being in someones Picks is a big deal for me.
Recently SL fate brought me a new friend. I send him goofy, stupid gifts from Sl Marketplace and he carries me home when i'm drunk and helps me when i break my body. I was stunned when i saw i was in his picks, like really stunned. I don't think he realized what a big deal it  was and how it made me all emotional....but only a little bit cause my body didn't come with an SL heart or a brain and maybe its better that way.
Lots of love
Natalie xx

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I think Second Life shouldn't be all about clubs.  There are loads of things to do and see that don't involve sex or saying Woot in ...